Original Rogue: The day I oompa loompaed myself........
A little bit of everything lifestyle blog with a dash of geekiness and a splash of Manchester love!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

The day I oompa loompaed myself........

Now I know it seems a bit weird, a mixed race girl getting a spray tan.

Well someonetimes I feel more yellowy than caramel or as some of my friends would put it "The whitest black girl they know"


So in preparation for my trip to the Big Apple, I thought I'd treat myself to a spray tan. I've had them before and have always been pleased with the results - a delicious subtle golden glow that just smooths everything over (namely all my stretchmarks and freckled back!)

I used to previously get them at Urban Retreat but since it closed down *sob*, I've stalked it's finest beauticians to the James Roberts salon on St Marys Street (next to House of Fraser).

In the past, I've never gone to the top end (16 for those of you craving a deep dark tan) and settle on the midway number 12.  Sienna X is the tan to choose, beloved of celebrities and the women of Manchester alike (and some men). On this occasion, I found out there was a 12.5. 

What's the harm in taking it up a notch?

Leaving the salon, I felt positively glowing. I arrived home and realised, I was getting more intense by the minute. This wasn't quite what I was expecting. My worst fears were confimed when The Boy arrived home and informed not only did I smell of biscuits, but I was orange. As in Oompa Loompa orange.


Sienna recommends you leave the tan at least 8 hours to develop and it can appear stronger than normal until you shower the next day. I'll be diving straight in that shower first thing.

I will report back tomorrow morning.........

Tan Hands!

Honestly, I'm normally paler than this.....

Even Sooty is blinded by the glow of my face

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