Original Rogue: A Right Royal Rumpus!
A little bit of everything lifestyle blog with a dash of geekiness and a splash of Manchester love!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

A Right Royal Rumpus!

Unless you've been living under a rock, there's only been one piece of news dominating the last 36 hours - The Royal Baby. Exciting the world's media before he'd even left the womb, every news channel was providing wall to wall blanket coverage and #RoyalBaby was trending worldwide.

As the announcement was made that the third in line to the throne had arrived, social media exploded. People around the world shared, tweeted & commented on the news that there was a new prince in the royal household.
Originally, the Royal Family had said they would make the announcement using the centuries-old traditional method, where the easel is placed in front of Buckingham Palace with a written statement.
However William and Kate decided to break tradition and announce the arrival via Twitter.

Within minutes, the tweet had been retweeted over 15,000 times. A royal frenzy hit the world and Royal Baby birth related tweet activity was approximately 25,300 tweets per minute.
The royal baby has had over 2 million mentions on Twitter, the most tweets of a world event since Obama was elected in 2009. The Mail Online  reported 487 million people read or shared social media content related to the birth of the royal baby.
The royal baby has been born into new a digital era. It only seems fitting his birth reflect the times.

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